Introduction ============ What is spike sorting? ---------------------- *Spike sorting is a class of techniques used in the analysis of electrophysiological data. Spike sorting algorithms use the shape(s) of waveforms collected with one or more electrodes in the brain to distinguish the activity of one or more neurons from background electrical noise.* Source: Spike sorting, Wikipedia_ Spike sorting usually consists of the following steps [Quiroga2004]_: 1. Spike detection (*detect*) Spikes are very rapid and often sparse events, so that they appear only a tiny fraction of the recordings. To achieve a sort of compression and easy the subsequent analysis, the times of occurrence of putative spikes are first identified in the continuous by means of thresholding. This method return only events that cross a specified threshold (selected based on some data statistics, such as standard deviation, or visually). #. Spike waveform extraction (*extract*) Based on the series of spike times identified in the previous step, we now may proceed to extract the spike waveforms by taking a small segment of the signal around each spike time. Such segments are usually automatically aligned to a specific feature of the waveform, for example maximum or minimum. #. Feature extraction (*feature*) This is one of the most important steps in which the silent features of the spikes such as peak-to-peak amplitude or spike width are calculated based on spike waveshapes. The features should be preferably low-dimensional and should well differentiate spikes of different cells and noise. #. Clustering (*cluster*) At the heart of spike sorting is the clustering that uses automatic, semi-automatic or manual methods to identify groups of spikes belonging to the same cell (often called unit). The procedure is usually applied in n-dimensional space of spike features, where each feature is a single dimension. Since it is very difficult to do that visually for more than 2 features (on a plane), one usually resorts to different clustring algorithms, such as K-means or Gaussian Mixture Models that can handle large number of dimension. #. Sorting evaluation (*evaluate*) After sorting is done and we have determined spike times of different units, we have to make sure that the quality of sorting is sufficient for further analysis. There are multiple visual and statistical methods that help in this evaluations, such as inter-spike intervals histograms, waveforms overlays, cross-corellograms etc. [Hill2011]_. SpikeSort is a comprehensive library whose goal is to accompany you trough the entire process of spike sorting - from detection to evaluation. It is not fully automatic or on-line sorting program. Although we include lots of functions, that help to automatize some of the repetitive task, good sorting will always require human supervision. Design goals ------------ There are several of spike sorting programs on the market both commercial and free and open source. We started this projects to offer an alternative that would be free, scriptable and preferably in our favourite language: Python. However, we did not try to re-invent the wheel and whenever we could we leveraged the established libraries. We had a few design goals when we worked on SpikeSort; * modular Spike sorting is modular - there are several steps and different techniques that can and should be mixed-and-matched to adjust the process to the data we try to analyze. Spike sorting library should be modular as well to allow for much flexibility. This is achieved by composing the library of independent components that can be easily inserted into or deleted from the spike sorting workflow. * customizable No two data sets are the same. Different experimental protocols, different acquisition systems, different neural systems result in different properties of the data and thus require different methods. Therefore, a good spike sorting library should allow for easy and flexible customizations of the algorithms used at each stage of spike sorting and their parameters. * easy-to-use Flexibility usually comes at price: the usability. Nevertheless, a transparent design can allow complex systems to be user-friendly. The interface should allow to focus on the data and not on the peculiarities of specific software solutions. * fast In practice, one will try to discriminate thousands of spikes of tens of different neurons. Any performance optimizations will save you precious minutes (hours or even days) for the task you are most interested in: decoding what the cells actually do. * compatible with standard libraries (NumPy, SciPy, matplotlib) There is no need to reinvent the wheel. Python developers provide hundreds of optimized, well-tested and widely-used libraries with great community support. Why not use them? Moreover, any data coming from the spike sorting libraries should be easily pluggable into third-party analysis routines and databases. Although still much work is required to meet all the goals, we kept them all in mind while designing the SpikeSort. As a result, SpikeSort is already an usable and powerful framework that will help you to get most of your data. Why Python? ----------- Python is a interpreted and very dynamic language with huge very enthusiastic community. It grew to be the de-facto standard in computational science [Langtangen2009]_ and it rapidly gains momentum in experimental disciplines [Hanke2009]_. Python is also completely free and available for multiple platforms - it means that you can run it at home, at work or give it to your students with no additional costs. Last but not least Python can be easily interfaced with other languages making it a ''glueing'' language that can make two independent libraries to communicate. Installation ------------ You can download the most recent release of SpikeSort from github:: git clone git:// In order to install SortSpike you need following libraries: * python 2.6 or 2.7 * setuptools * scipy * numpy * pytables * matplotlib (only for plotting) Optional dependencies are: * scikits.learn - clustering algorithms * neurotools - spike train analysis * ipython - enhanced python shell If some of the python packages are not available on your system you can install them with easy-install:: easy_install numpy scipy pytables matplotlib .. note:: If you are not familiar with Python packaging system we recommend you installing a complete Python distribution from a company called Enthought: `EPD `_ (there are free academic licenses). Installers for Windows, MacOSX and Linux are available. If you have the above libraries you can install SpikeSort simply issuing the command:: python install If you prefer to install it in your home directory you may try:: python install --user but remember to add :file:`$HOME/.local/lib/python2.6/site-packages` to your python path. After a successful installation you can run the supplied tests:: python nosetests If you don't have all the optional dependencies, be prepared for some tests errors. Examples -------- In :file:`examples/sorting` subdirectory you will find some sample scripts, which use SpikeSort for spike sorting * :file:`` - sort spikes by manual cluster cutting * :file:`` - automatically cluster with GMM (Gaussian Mixture Models) algorithm (see our tutorial :ref:`lowlevel_tutorial`) * :file:`` - run full stack spike-sorting evnvironment and show spikes in a spike browser (see our tutorial :ref:`beans_tutorial`) In order to run these examples, you need to download :ref:`tutorial_data` and define an environment variable ``DATAPATH``:: export DATAPATH=/path/to/data/directory where ``/path/to/data/directory`` points to the directory where you downloaded the data file. Once you have the tutorial data, you may run above script, for example:: python -i .. note:: The ``-i`` in python command will leave a Python interpreter open for interactive exploration - read more in our tutorials. Similar software ---------------- There are a few open source packages for spike sorting that have different design and use case: * `spyke `_ * `OpenElectrophy `_ * `spikepy `_ * `Klusters `_ References ---------- .. _tutorial.h5: .. _Wikipedia: .. [Quiroga2004] Quiroga, RQ, Z. Nadasdy, Y. Ben-Shaul, and others. *“Unsupervised Spike Detection and Sorting with Wavelets and Superparamagnetic Clustering.”* Neural Computation **16**, no. 8 (2004):1661. ``_ .. [Hill2011] Hill, Daniel N, Samar B Mehta, and David Kleinfeld. *“Quality Metrics to Accompany Spike Sorting of Extracellular Signals.”* The Journal of Neuroscience **31**, no. 24 (2011): 8699-8705. ``_ .. [Hanke2009] Hanke, Michael, Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Per B. Sederberg, Emanuele Olivetti, Ingo Fründ, Jochem W. Rieger, Christoph S. Herrmann, James V. Haxby, Stephen José Hanson, and Stefan Pollmann. *“PyMVPA: a Unifying Approach to the Analysis of  Neuroscientific Data.”* Frontiers in Neuroinformatics **3** (2009): 3. .. [Langtangen2009] Langtangen, Hans Petter. *Python Scripting for Computational Science*. 3rd ed. Springer, 2009.