Calculate features (:mod:`spike_sort.features`) =============================================== .. currentmodule:: spike_sort.core.features Provides functions to calculate spike waveforms features. .. _features_doc: Features -------- Functions starting with `fet` implement various features calculated from the spike waveshapes. They have usually one required argument :ref:`spike_wave` structure and some can have optional arguments (see below) Each of the function returns a mapping structure (dictionary) with the following keys: * `data` -- an array of shape (n_spikes x n_features) * `names` -- a list of length n_features with feature labels The following features are implemented: .. autosummary:: fetPCA fetP2P fetSpIdx fetSpTime fetSpProjection Tools ----- This module provides a few tools to facilitate working with features data structure: .. autosummary:: split_cells select combine normalize Auxiliary --------- .. autosummary:: PCA add_mask Reference --------- .. automodule:: spike_sort.core.features :members: