Calculate features (spike_sort.features)

Provides functions to calculate spike waveforms features.


Functions starting with fet implement various features calculated from the spike waveshapes. They have usually one required argument Spike waveforms structure and some can have optional arguments (see below)

Each of the function returns a mapping structure (dictionary) with the following keys:

  • data – an array of shape (n_spikes x n_features)
  • names – a list of length n_features with feature labels

The following features are implemented:

fetPCA(spike_data, *args, **kwargs) Calculate principal components (PCs).
fetP2P(spike_data, *args, **kwargs) Calculate peak-to-peak amplitudes of spike waveforms.
fetSpIdx(spike_data, *args, **kwargs) Spike sequential index (0,1,2, …)
fetSpTime(spike_data, *args, **kwargs) Spike occurrence time in milliseconds.
fetSpProjection(spike_data, *args, **kwargs) Projection coefficient of spikes on an averaged waveform


This module provides a few tools to facilitate working with features data structure:

split_cells(features, idx[, which]) return the spike features splitted into separate cells
select(features_dict, features_ids) Choose selected features from the collection
combine(feat_data[, norm, feat_method_names]) Combine features into a single structure
normalize(features[, copy]) Normalize features


PCA(data[, ncomps]) Perfrom a principle component analysis.
add_mask(feature_function) Decorator to copy mask from waveshapes to features


Provides functions to calculate spike waveforms features.

Functions starting with fet implement various features calculated from the spike waveshapes. They have usually one required argument Spike waveforms structure (but there are exceptions!).

Each of the function returns a (mapping) object with following keys:

  • data – an array of shape (n_spikes, n_features)
  • names – a list of length n_features with feature labels
spike_sort.core.features.PCA(data, ncomps=2)

Perfrom a principle component analysis.


data : array

(n_vars, n_obs) array where n_vars is the number of variables (vector dimensions) and n_obs the number of observations


evals : array

sorted eigenvalues

evecs : array

sorted eigenvectors

score : array

projection of the data on ncomps components

spike_sort.core.features.WT(*args, **kwargs)

Perfroms a batch 1D wavelet transform.


data : array

(n_vars, n_obs, n_contacts) array where n_vars is the number of variables (vector dimensions), n_obs the number of observations and n_contacts is the number of contacts. Only 3D arrays are accepted.

wavelet : string or pywt.Wavelet

wavelet to be used to perform the transform

mode : string, optional

signal extension mode (see modes in PyWavelets documentation)


data : array

(n_coeffs, n_obs, n_contacts) 1D wavelet transform of each vector of the input data array. pywt.wavedec is used to perform the transform. For every vector of the input array, a 1D transformation is returned of the form [cA_n, cD_n, cD_n-1, …, cD_n2, cD_n1] where cA_n and cD_n are approximation and detailed coefficients of level n. cA_n and cD_n’s are stacked together in a single vector.


PyWavelets documentation contains more detailed information on the wavelet transform.


Decorator to copy mask from waveshapes to features

spike_sort.core.features.combine(feat_data, norm=True, feat_method_names=None)

Combine features into a single structure


args : tuple or list of dict

a tuple of feature data structures


combined_fetures : dict

spike_sort.core.features.fetP2P(spike_data, *args, **kwargs)

Calculate peak-to-peak amplitudes of spike waveforms.

Parameters:spikes : dict
Returns:features : dict


We will generate a spikewave structure containing only a single spike on a single channel

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from spike_sort import features
>>> time = np.arange(0,2*np.pi,0.01)
>>> spikes = np.sin(time)[:,np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
>>> spikewave = {"data": spikes, "time":time, "contacts":1, "FS":1}
>>> p2p = features.fetP2P(spikewave)
>>> print p2p['data']
[[ 1.99999683]]
spike_sort.core.features.fetPCA(spike_data, *args, **kwargs)

Calculate principal components (PCs).


spikes : dict

ncomps : int, optional

number of components to retain


features : dict

spike_sort.core.features.fetSpIdx(spike_data, *args, **kwargs)

Spike sequential index (0,1,2, …)

spike_sort.core.features.fetSpProjection(spike_data, *args, **kwargs)

Projection coefficient of spikes on an averaged waveform


spikes_data : dict

waveform data

labels : array

array of length equal to number of spikes that contains cluster labels

cell_id : int

label of cell on which all spikes should be projected.


labels can be also a boolean array in which case only spikes for which label is True value will be averaged to determine projection coefficient

spike_sort.core.features.fetSpTime(spike_data, *args, **kwargs)

Spike occurrence time in milliseconds.

spike_sort.core.features.fetWT(*args, **kwargs)

Calculate wavelet transform reduce the dimensionality

The dimensionality reduction is done by picking the most “interesting” wavelet coefficients or their linear combibations, depending on the select_method value


spikes_data : dict

nfeatures : int, optional

number of wavelet coefficients to return

contacts : string or int or list, optional

contacts to be processed

wavelet : string or pywt.Wavelet, optional

wavelet to be used for transformation

mode : string, optional

signal extension mode (see modes in PyWavelets documentation)

select_method : string, optional

method to select the “interesting” coefficients. Following statistics are supported: ‘std’

standard deviation


robust estimate of std (Quiroga et al, 2004)


Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for normality (useful for selecting coeffs with multimodal distributions)


DIP statistic (tests unimodality) by Hartigan & Hartigan 1985. Also useful for picking coeffs with multimodal distributions.

‘ksPCA’ and ‘dipPCA’

implementation of modality-weighted PCA (Takekawa et al, 2012) using ‘ks’ and ‘dip’ tests respectively


features : dict

spike_sort.core.features.normalize(features, copy=True)

Normalize features


feature function must take the spike data array and return a feature dictionary with at least two keys: data and names, features_ids)

Choose selected features from the collection

spike_sort.core.features.select_spikes(features, idx)

Truncate features array to selected spikes. This method should be used to properly truncate the “features” structure


features : features structure

features structure to truncate

idx : bool list or int list

indices of selected spikes


new_feats : features structure

new features structure containing only data for selected spike indices

spike_sort.core.features.split_cells(features, idx, which='all')

return the spike features splitted into separate cells